Nagios plugins for monitoring other stuff, for which there is no specific category yet.
Showing 51-60 of 118 results.
Sort by: Default Name (A-Z) Name (Z-A) Date (Oldest) Date (Newest) Comment Count (Most) Comment Count (Least) Random is a Nagios plugin that check the status of slaves of a Jenkins instance. You can specify one critical and/or one warning threshold express…
-- Check the age of an individual file **** Example: Monitor the age of a log file to ensure it is being written to on…
Usage: countdown_to_date.php --date date --warning wdays --critical cdays date = The date in the future you are counting down to This argument is required. The… is a Nagios plugin that check that running Jenkins jobs are not taking unusual time to complete. You can specify one critical and/or one… is a Nagios plugin that check the version number of a Jenkins instance. With jenkins version 1.466 and above, it also check if some… is a Nagios plugin that count the number of jobs of a Jenkins instance. It can check that the total number of jobs will…
MIANAGIOSPLUGIN -- An extensible framework for Nagios plugins written in php5 This is a framework for quickly developping and easily maintaining Nagios plugins. It is…
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