Nagios plugins for monitoring other stuff, for which there is no specific category yet.
Showing 41-50 of 118 results.
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Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./ --help Nagios Plugin to check a Subversion mirror/slave is up to date compared…
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./ --help Nagios Plugin to check a Git working copy is in the right…
Usage : [-h] -v -H -C -o --state --min --max Return OK if : min
root@yourhost:/yournagioscontribdir# ./ usage: ./ [api-key] locationstring is usually 'townname,countrytld' (ie. Wuerzburg,de or London,uk), but can be id= as well. wantedinfo is either 'all' or one…
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # # Nagios plugin to check a DICOM find service which is the first stage of a…
This nagios plugin checks hdfs health by parsing dfshealth.jsp. The script is written in Ruby and makes use of nokogiri gem for parsing dfshealth.jsp. Please…
Common Usage to check for all alerts in your state or zone: ./ -c MNZ062 Check for a particular alert can be done also: ./…
This check works off of a Woot Tracker RSS feed for the latest Woots, parses the feed, and is dependent on how fast that site…
The plugin executes the command specified by the user and stores it's output value in a sqlite3 database using the command's md5 hash as key.…
Lorem ipsum Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Proin eget tortor risus. Proin eget tortor risus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.