Nagios plugins for monitoring other stuff, for which there is no specific category yet.
Showing 111-118 of 118 results.
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Requirements/Tested on: - Debian Lenny, kernel 2.6.28-etobi.2-486 - nagios3/lenny 3.0.6-3 - vdr/lenny 1.6.0-8ctvdr6 - vdr-plugin-femon/lenny 1.6.6-2 - vdr-plugin-svdrpext/lenny 0.0.1-18 - vdr-plugin-svdrpservice/lenny 0.0.4-2
The sensors output an XML status file for each sensor that is retrieved and processed by a generic plugin to the monitoring system of your…
Check the status for mod_jk loadbalancers via XML download from status URL. The plugin will return CRITICAL if one or more nodes from the JK…
Requires 'lpadmin' from CUPS package on system running the script and mktemp. Usage: check_cups_queue -H -T -w -c -a Notes: -H: Hostname - Can be…
check_csl is Nagios plug-in written in Perl, which calculates service availability level (SLA) depending on multiple various category checks' states. The plugin runs checks, defined…
The Nagios 3.x multiline output feature allows to combine multiple service checks in one run. There are lots of advantages for this: * Performance boost:…
Writing a plugin is sometimes boring and for 90% the same procedure: create a structure to deal with the command line options, perform an operation…
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