Nagios plugins for monitoring other stuff, for which there is no specific category yet.
Showing 91-100 of 118 results.
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Perl script to check the number of Hadoop tasktrackers alive useage: Nagios Configuration services.cfg define service { use generic-service host_name [jobtracker's host] service_description check_remote_tasktracker contact_groups…
Perl script to check the number of Hadoop datanodes alive useage: Nagios Configuration services.cfg define service { use generic-service host_name [namenode's host] service_description check_remote_datanode contact_groups…
please see
script to check Hadoop HDFS healthy by using the command "hadoop fsck" useage: nrpe Configuration nrpe.cfg command[check_hdfs]=/usr/local/bin/ Nagios Configuration services.cfg define service { use generic-service…
script to check whether the secondarynamenode's metadata was changed or not within last 120minites useage: nrpe Configuration nrpe.cfg command[check_checkpoint]=/usr/local/bin/ Nagios Configuration services.cfg define service {…
A Bash script that connects to a DesignSync mirror server, list the mirrors and report those up, those down. DesignSync is a version control tool…
1. Siebel Enterprise availability 2. Siebel Gateway availability 3. Siebel Component group availability (status of components) 4. Siebel Server availability (status of Siebel servers) 5.…
If the value is a number (float) it is possible to get performance data with a label defined by you. This Plugin comes AS IS…
Lorem ipsum Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Proin eget tortor risus. Proin eget tortor risus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.