Nagios plugins for monitoring other types of virtual environments, for which there is no specific category yet.
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I was inspired from this article: Read it to understand what each counter represent and how can it help you. For a Nagios deployment…
Nagios check plugin for xenserver Usage: ./ [warning level %] [critical level %] see online help for more informations Config file follows ini format. In…
Updated! Oct 1st. I wrote this script to monitor my Amazon EC2 servers and LoadBalancers, this script is able to get any metrics avaiable at…
This Nagios plugin was created to check OracleVM state. What could be checked? Currently there are 3 Checks implemented: - filesystem Checks used space in…
What is check_rhev3? -------------------- This plugin for Nagios is used to monitor a variety of a RHEV and oVirt environement including datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms,…
This Plugin checks that all virtual machines running on your Hyper-V server are in good health. REQUIRES: Check_NT Plugin NSCLient++ or similar running on Server.…
Expects to receive the instance id passed on the command line. I’ve created hosts with the instance-id as the hostname, it will return warning if…
Using Amazon CloudWatch API, it is possible to retrieve the metrics (CPU, NetWork, Disk) from an instance without installing any agent or configuring SNMP daemon.…
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