Nagios plugins for monitoring other types of storage systems, for which there is no other category yet.
Showing 1-10 of 13 results.
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The Dell ECS Capacity Check Plugin queries the Dell ECS API to obtain usage information. It can be pointed at a single ECS cluster or…
This script need curl tools #check the https webpache status command command[check_ds8100_https]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -I $ARG1$ -u /preloginmonitor/status.jsp -S #check ds8100 status command command[check_ds8100_status]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -M $ARG1$ -C…
Script to check the Wear Level Indicators (SMART ID 171 and 233) from SSDs, to see if they need replacement. The script can autodetect RAID…
Check for NAS QNAP using SNMP and bash script. Based on two different version of check_qnap: - version 1.03 from: and - last version…
-b Check_qnap Version -C community default public -t timeout default 10 secdons -v snmpversion default 2c -p snmpport defauilt 161 -a checks you can use…
You may use SNMP to query an XIV storage system for various usage status numbers, but the SNMP measurement points don't reveal the most crucial…
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