Nagios plugins for monitoring other types of hardware, for which there is no specific category yet.
Showing 11-20 of 38 results.
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Plugin to check if a certain Device is conected to a Hue Hub and if there is an update available for the Hub. Nagios Plugin…
This Plugin is written to read current I/O Status of Siemen Logo !8 (0ba8) For this Plugin you need my modified python-libnodave (included). I had…
check raspberry pi temperature with perfdata and warn/crit thresholds. This plugin takes data from sysfs ( /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ). Dependency: awk bc
Version Notes: 2016-05-08 * First release
The zip contains README.txt which will help understand how to use the plugin
Using the standard IETF MIBs this check monitors a network switch's PoE usage and alerts you when hitting self-configurable warning or critical thresholds. There's an…
Returns the XBMC version running on a Raspberry PI. Requirements: $logfile points to /home/pi/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log, if this is incorrect, change the logfile variable I use this…
Plugin returns the date and git version of firmware running on a Raspberry PI. Requirements: /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd must exist on the OS and must be set…
I wrote this plugin as a way to monitor the CPU temperature of an RPI I have outside in my garage. Where I live it…
Check several information about HMC and about infrastructure. I think upgrade this plugin with new features in next months, I accept your suggestions!!! Show info…
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