Nagios plugins for monitoring other types of backup software, for which there is no specific category yet.
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Checks the state of a regular robocopy copy job by scanning the logfile in spanish Usage: [--user ] [--password ] [--maxAge ] where Is…
This is a Nagios Plugin that checks the last status of last run of all veeam jobs, not including Replication (BackupSync) jobs (which is a…
The script can take two arguments: - W: Threshold for the warning state (in days). - C: Threshold for the critical state (in days). If…
Full Description: This is a basic plugin that monitors ahsay backup sets that was created in ahsayCBS panel. This plugin have 2 main options: Success…
See GitHub page for more information.
The script logs in and connects with SSH to the switch, then copies the current configuration to a TFTP server. (The Scalance switches do not…
From the script: check_backup v1.0 Nagios plugin by John E.P. Hynes, HyTronix [03/22/2015] Arguments can be in any order: d[days] h[hours] m[minutes] s[seconds] x[multiplier]…
[NRPE Handlers] Nagios_Check_veeam=cmd /c echo C:scriptsNagios_Check_veeam.ps1 "Name-Of-Your-Job" 1; exit $LastExitCode | powershell.exe -command -
NRPE configuration example: command[check_apple_time_machine]=/usr/local/scripts/check_apple_time_machine -w 10800 -c 21600 Tested with Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8.
Powershell needs to be installed on the Nagios box. The plugin takes 2 arguments: - Veeam Backup & Replication job name - Number of days…
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