Operating Systems

Plugins for monitoring various operating systems.

Showing 771-780 of 838 results.

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MIB Files and Shell Script for Netware Mibs

The most important Novell MIB Files converted for SNMPTT incl. the Shell script to convert the Novell MIB Files with a regular Nagios Status OK…

Check ESX recources using SNMP

The main goal of this project was to publish the output data of any script run on an ESX server by using SNMP for monitoring…

Windows NRPE
Check ServiceAuto

This plugin checks in what state a list of defined services are. Will return Critical if any of the services has stopped.

Windows NRPE
Check Service

It is a VBScript Plugin for NRPE_NT.

Windows NRPE
Check Roles

so it os ...

Windows NRPE
Check Replication

Lateron "check_frs.pl" and "check_objectage.pl" can monitor if ADS Replication and File Replication are working.

Windows NRPE
Check Repadmin

So it is...

Windows NRPE
Check Ram

It is a VBScript Plugin for NRPE_NT.

Windows NRPE
Check Process Runtime

This VB Script checks if a process is running and how long it is running. You get an OK if the process is not running…

Windows NRPE
Check Process

It is a VBScript Plugin for NRPE_NT.

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