Operating Systems

Plugins for monitoring various operating systems.

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Windows NRPE

' Author: Mattias Ryrlén (mr@op5.com) ' Website: http://www.op5.com ' Created: 2008-09-18 ' Version: 0.9 ' Description: Check the offset of your server vs active directory…

Windows NRPE

' Author: Mattias Ryrlén (mr@op5.com) ' Website: http://www.op5.com ' Created: 2008-09-18 ' Version: 0.9 ' Description: List the current FSMO Roles on an Active Directory…

Windows NRPE
check_adaptecraid for NRPE_NT

Check status of Adaptec 2400A RAID using Adaptec Storage Manager Pro command "raidutil.exe" Requires the Adaptec Storage Manager Pro to be installed Example NRPE_NT Usage:…

Windows NRPE

Check link for details.

Windows NRPE
check windows updates 3

The differences: checking for the automatically checked updates from windows (high priority) exemple to use into the nrpe.cfg or in nsca (but check for the…

Windows NRPE
Check Windows Updates

I was using coxwal's "Check for Windows Updates" (http://www.nagiosexchange.org/Windows_NRPE.66.0.html?&tx_netnagext_pi1p_view=903&tx_netnagext_pi1page=10%3A10) but it wasn't enough. So I wrote this script which uses Windows Updates API to check…

Windows NRPE
Check Textsearch

Otherwise, the script will return CRITICAL. This type of text search would be useful for determining whether a tape-backup log file contains a "success" message.…

Windows NRPE
Check Services 2

So it is ...

Windows NRPE
Check Services 1

If an Auto startup service is not running, this service will be restarted and a Warning is generated if the restart is successfull. If the…

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