Operating Systems

Plugins for monitoring various operating systems.

Showing 731-740 of 838 results.

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Purpose: check_sys is a multiple purpose plugin that performs the following checks: * disk space * process list * swap utilization * load (run queue)…

Windows NRPE
Wrapper Check_AutoIT

Wrapper-Script for using End2End-Monitoring.exe create with AutoIt - you don' t needed AutoIT installing at your windows-system if you run only the *.exe files #…

Windows NRPE
WMI agentless plugins

Please visit the project URL to learn about WMI agentless plugins and download the latest version (http://www.groundworkopensource.com/community/downloads/plugins-download.html)

Windows NRPE
Windows Failed Service restart batch file

File: win_service_restart.cmd Author: Vadim Zenin http://vadimzenin.blogspot.com Version: 1.07 Date: 16/11/2010 12:28:45 Windows Failed Service restart batch file for Nagios Event Handler Copy win_service_restart.cmd to NSClient++scripts…

License: GPL by: Vadim Zenin
Windows NRPE
This vbscript will monitor processes on Windows Systems using NRPE

I use this script to monitor services on windows servers. Nagios will launch the script and collect the results using NRPE_NT. nrpe.cfg should have a…

Windows NRPE
Symantec Backup Exec Number of Job Error Check

Nagios NRPE_NT plugin to check the number of job errors using the bemcmd.exe cli tool. The plugin will return OK (0) if no job error…

Windows NRPE
Symantec Anti-virus check

command[check_av]=C:WINDOWSsystem32cscript.exe //nologo //t:10 "c:progra~1nrpebinsymanticchk.vbs" AV_SERVER

Windows NRPE
Restart Windows Services VBS

Ce script VBScript va etre declenche par une commande "Event Handler" prealablement configuree sous Nagios. Des que le status du service sous Nagios changera (de…

Windows NRPE
NRPE_NT auto install

Script to remote install NRPE_NT into WIndows Servers. http://felipeferreira.net/?p=57


NagiosPluginsNT was originally designed to be used with NRPE_NT but should work just as well on any other NRPE daemon for Windows. This project has…

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