Plugins for monitoring various operating systems.
Showing 691-700 of 838 results.
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This plugin requires no inputs. It will return a warning if any cpu's are not on-line.
If you execute the command pkgchk -q -p /tmp and see something like this, ERROR: garbled entry pathname: /usr# problem: unknown ftype then your solaris…
Installation (nagios client side) : - Copy the script in your nagios plugins directory (usualy /opt/csw/libexec/nagios-plugins) - Set good rights (755 for root:bin) Usage :…
Checks local processor utilization via mpstat, and alerts depending on whether it has exceeded the warning value or the critical value. The script essentially runs…
ERROR - Metadevices need Maintainence : c0t0d0s0 Okay : c0t1d0s0 Okay : c0t0d0s1 Okay : c0t1d0s1 Okay : c0t0d0s6 Okay : c0t1d0s6 Okay : c0t0d0s7…
Runs metastat and simply checks to see if the state on all Metadevices are "okay". If any return other than okay, and alarm is raised.…
Today I made an improved version of the Nagios monitor "check_log2", which is now aptly called "check_log3". It includes all the improvements I originally added…
Improved log checker for Solaris, with state retention. I found that the version of check_log included in the default monitor package doesn't work perfectly on…
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