NTP and Time

Nagios plugins for monitoring NTP, Time, and daytime protocols.

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NTP and Time

This script uses the Net::NTP and checks the server clock offset with a NTP Server.

License: GPL by: Antonio
NTP and Time

check_stratum is simple script for NTP Stratum level Monitoring. displays stratum levels and returns WARN, CRIT, UNK statuses. script also checks NTP server state. Script…

NTP and Time
Windows time check against NTPD (check_time.vbs)

The options all have the hard order and all but the last one are required. If multiple servers are specified (use commas only, not spaces),…

NTP and Time

Basic monitor that checks if the server is up and running. It checks for a process and whether the server has drifted from its higher…

NTP and Time

As far as I know there was no Nagios plugin that allowed you to really check your client configuration. I mean, it would be nice…

NTP and Time

From an already existent project by Thomas Sluyter (check_ntp_s). enjoy it! The original one plugin was working on Solaris systems, this one is written to…

NTP and Time
Cisco – Check NTP on MSFC and Switch

This script check Cisco firewall (tested on Cisco PIX-515E and ASA-5500). Modules included : ### Mode 1 - Association ### - NTP association status check_cisco_ntp.sh…

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