NTP and Time

Nagios plugins for monitoring NTP, Time, and daytime protocols.

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NTP and Time

Full documentation on https://github.com/Decstasy/check_chrony

License: GPL by: Decstasy
NTP and Time
Check NTP – Linux

Check NTP for Linux OS (Tested on CentOS and SLES) You can define thresholds for the Offset value, and the output it´s optimized to generate…

NTP and Time

Q. Why check_time_diff? A. We wanted to check for both broken time synchronisation on both clients and servers in a way that was agnostic about…

License: GPL by: Charles Atkinson
NTP and Time
License: GPL by: Paul Gear
NTP and Time

This super simple script checks the synchronization with the time server. Specifies the IP server to which you are synchronized and offset. Requires ntpq. It…

4 (1) License: GPL by: michaszek
NTP and Time

This plugin will perform a simple synchronization between a Windows 2000 machine and a NTP Server to derive the OffSet, To make installation simple it's…

License: GPL by: compte123
NTP and Time
check_timezone.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: https://github.com/harisekhon/nagios-plugins ./check_timezone.pl --help Nagios Plugin to check a Linux Server's timezone is set as expected…

NTP and Time

Very simple plugin, following a very simple idea. Are my ntp clients up to date? is everything OK over there? I did not find anything…

License: GPL by: krusty
NTP and Time

This nagios check determines the health of NTPd on a system by calculating the overall health of the peers associated with the daemon. This check…

4 (2) License: Apache by: Tim
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