
Nagios plugins for monitoring Novell systems (e.g. Netware).

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check oes linux nss volume usage

This check programs allows you to check the volume usage of nss volumes running on OES linux systems and monitor several other parameters. I used…

Novell OES2 (Linux) check NSS directroy quota usage

Usage: -D -w -c [-d] [-h] [-v] Paramters: -c critical level for the free space in [k|M|G|%] if no extension is given I assume…

MIB Files and Shell Script for Netware Mibs

The most important Novell MIB Files converted for SNMPTT incl. the Shell script to convert the Novell MIB Files with a regular Nagios Status OK…

Plugin/Agent for Netware 5.0 – 6.5

We scan for the following cases: * hard disk mirror status (ok, remirroring) * hard disk partition status (active, dead, orphaned) * timesync * ABEND…

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