Nagios plugins for monitoring network subsystems (e.g. network card I/O, number of network connections, etc).
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Supported Devices We support a lot of different devices and hope for your contributions to grow our device collection. Some examples are: Cisco Juniper Huawei…
See github page for more info: Usage: {HOST} {WARNING_RTA_THRESHOLD} {CRITICAL_RTA_THRESHOLD} [{WARNING_PL_THRESHOLD} {CRITICAL_PL_THRESHOLD} {NUM_PINGS}] Host & RoundTripAverage thresholds are required (ms) PacketLoss thresholds default…
Check AP under a MSM 760 series controller and notify if some AP is not connected/sync. In the text field of notification write the name…
# Added -f Perfdata output. Results used in Splunk for Nagios. # Changed Alert levels to warnings on SNMP related issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------- check_snmp_cisco_memutil v2.1.1 Memory…
Updated version of orginal 7-Feb-12 MP Added check for interface drops. 3-Oct-12 MP Added performance data using -f option. This plugin checks all or…
These scripts could be merged together, if anyone wanted to spend the time. However, having them as two scripts makes it easier to replace the…
The purpose of this plug-in is to invert the output of the "check_snmp" plug-in when you need to check an inverted scale. For example, one…
I wrote a simple plugin to check the number of established connections to a windows server. Just execute: cmd /c netstat -an |find /i “estab”…
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