Nagios plugins for monitoring network protocols (e.g. HTTP and FTP) of all types.
Showing 411-420 of 437 results.
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**Description:** This check program queries the ldap server for it's ldap statistics and compares those values against them from the last run. It uses timestamps…
Description is a Nagios plugin to check the bind daemon whether it's running via its pid file and then gets the statistics via rndc…
Check IP address free for windows DHCP server This plugin require pysnmp Usage: ./check_dhcp_free -H ip_address -n net_address [options] -p Port to query (defaults :…
Firstly, if you don't know what Z39.50 is, you don't need this plugin! :-) This short perl plugin does a simple search on field 4…
From an already existent project by Thomas Sluyter (check_ntp_s). enjoy it! The original one plugin was working on Solaris systems, this one is written to…
This Script is capable to check MPLS Routers for their correct Ip's (Active / Passive) by querying them with SNMP and to compare this result…
This Plugin monitors the ISDN Line Status of a Hermstedt Stingray box. Usage: $PROGNAME HOST PORT USER PASS LINE[1-6] Use a dedicated user account on…
Description is a Nagios plugin to monitor the UDP packet loss via netstat. It writes a temporary file to a configurable directory and compares…
Very simple bash script for checking that the primary route is active. add to nagiosgraph map file for a graph that should always be 0…
This plugin checks all networking bridges using STP. The check figures if the first bridge port is in FORWARDING state and no other ports are…
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