Nagios plugins for monitoring network protocols (e.g. HTTP and FTP) of all types.
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Check all OIDs specified in the command line and all objects underneath Anything other than zero under .101.x is considered an error usage: $0 options…
Plugin to check the status of Brocade SAN switches. The switches this script and the Nagiosgrapher ncfg file supports: Brocade 4900 Brocade 5000 My two…
Plugin to check the status of the three mail queues of the barracude mail and spam filter system. I used the check_barracuda_queue plugin of fpater…
Written in PERL, this packages includes: * Standard UPS MIB battery, input and output monitoring * APC environmental probe monitoring via an EMP probe connect…
The project is hosted at but the ASNMTAP CPAN Module is also available at CPAN
Provides a variety of information including: UPS type, battery capacity, battery status, device temperature, runtime, UPS load, input voltage, input current, input frequency, output voltage,…
command[snmp_ups_stat]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -o . -w 3 -c 4 -l 'Main Battery Status' command[snmp_ups_capa]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -o . -l 'Adv. Battery…
Given a /24 ip space, check to see if the nameservers specified by 'authns' are authoritative for them to the world. 'authns' can be a…
The time needed is returned.
I took p_view=304 rouven's plugin"> rouven's plugin and ported it to Ruby. I emailed him, intending to submit my code to him. rouven has not…
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