Nagios plugins for monitoring network protocols (e.g. HTTP and FTP) of all types.
Showing 141-150 of 437 results.
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Check BGP peer IPv6 status via SSH or Telnet on Cisco IOS. Parse command "sh ip bgp ipv6 unicast summary" Requirements : - perl -MCPAN…
This plugin is used to check the number of new messages in an IMAP mailbox. A certain database vendor's application is supposed to check an…
This plugin will do a snmp scan on a switch and retrieve all spanningtree blocked ports. If you specify --warning or --critical values, the plugin…
Usage: $USER1$/ -d domainname.tld -w int -c int Version history: 1.0: initial release 1.0a: minor regex bug fix 1.1: major regex updates
# 'check_calls' command definition ############################# define command{ command_name check_calls command_line /usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_calls -T 10 -O /dev/null sip:$ARG1$@$HOSTADDRESS$ } # 'check_calls' service definition ############################# define…
This a beta check for check interfaces of NetApp FAS* like FAS20401. Now you can use it for see all interfaces and them data like…
This plugin checks the route table and reports on any new routes that appear or any old routes that disappear. When you have a complicated…
This plugin checks the QoS queue depths on a cisco device. It includes perfdata and a pnp4nagios template.
The script then returns "OK" Nagios state if the file exists together with the number of rows it contains, while it returns "CRITICAL" state if…
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