Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Nagios plugins for monitoring network bandwidth usage, download speed, network connections, etc.

Showing 51-60 of 160 results.

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Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Linux Check PPS, BPS, or Current Line Rate % of NIC

Nagios plug-in that calculates receiving PPS, BPS, and percentage of line-rate (LR) from Linux kernel statistics by reading from procfs and reports if above a…

Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Juniper SRX – VPNL2L phase 1 & 2 monitor

This plugin is designed for Juniper SRX firewalls and it checks if tunnel is established. To do this queries by SNMP and uses the public…

License: Other by: Jesus
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Bandwith (Speed Test) Upload & Download with perfdata

The remote server is the first parameter and you must only to create service related to an hostaddress or hostgroup (need SSH Key Exchange from…

3 (1) License: GPL by: Stefano
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
4.3 (12) License: GPL by: Jon Witts
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Here is a copy and paste of the help page Usage: check_linux_net Options: -h = Display the help page -hh = Display an extended help…

License: Other by: Hugme
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

$ ./ -h usage: [-h] -H HOST [-C COMMUNITY] [-o OID] [-O IFOID] [-S IFUPSTATE] [--warnifdown] [--okifdown] [-i INTERFACE] [--preset PRESET] [-P PORT] [-w…

Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

This Plugin checks the notification mail from Fritzboxes. Currently it only checks the monthly used traffic and it's only tested with a Fritz!Box 7170. The…

License: GPL by: Thomas Bruckmann
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Check WAN status for Peplink Balance 1350

**Requires: python module mechanize & BeautifulSoup Check WAN connection status for Peplink Balance 1350. Return OK if WAN is connected (included IP, Gateway, DNS), CRIT…