Nagios plugins for monitoring network bandwidth usage, download speed, network connections, etc.
Showing 31-40 of 160 results.
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check_snmp_storm_broadcast --help Usage: ./check_snmp_storm_broadcast -H host [-u community (default: public)] [-V version (default: 2c)] -n|-p (number or percent) [-w warning (option for -p: default: 20%)]…
Interface usage plugin Requirements: python 2, vnstat
This plugin can check the status of one or more IP SLA entries on a Cisco IOS device. IP SLAs can be used to monitor…
Script is written in BASH, tested on CentOS 6.X/5.x, Nagios 3.X/4.x Execution syntax, Usage: ./check_tcp_multi-ip-single-port {'IP1 IP2' 'PORT' 'WARNING' 'CRITICAL'} Drawbacks :- Using More number…
nagios_check_listening_port_linux is a plugin written to verify that a specified process name can be found listening on a specified TCP port. Example command definition: command[check_listening_port]=/usr/bin/python…
Nagios scripts to check user status and traffic for OpenVPN Community edition by mm@rodin tested on CentOS 6.x 64 bit with SElinux in enforcing mode,…
Script usage: $0 -H host -e [-c community] [-v version] [-s 'any_snmp_args'] [-V] [--help] Options : -h, --help This help -H, --host Checked switch virtual…
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