Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Nagios plugins for monitoring network bandwidth usage, download speed, network connections, etc.

Showing 21-30 of 160 results.

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Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Check that an Oookla Speedtest server with a specified URL and/or host is present on the public list of servers. Works by downloading the server…

License: MIT by: Tom Ryder
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Read a fil with a list of ips. One ip per line, for example $ cat ips.list For each ip, it will…

Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Meraki – Check 4G Status

Requirements 1 - The MAC Address of the device you want to monitor, MAC needs to be formatted as follows => XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX ************************************************************* How to…

Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Meraki – Check Device Status

Requirements 1 - The MAC Address of the device you want to monitor. ************************************************************* How to use 1 - Create a new file named "check_meraki_status"…

Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
check_iperf3 allows you to test both, TCP and UDP protocols. PERFORMANCE DATA is returned back to Nagios. see README for more details (setup). TCP usage…

4 (1) License: GPL by: Marcelo Espinosa
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Explanation: Originally writted to monitor Ubiquiti AirFiber backhaul. With this hardware, network interface speed is dependent on weather condition and distance so snmp values are…

License: GPL by: Nicolas
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Number of connections opened by a process

Counts number of opened connections that a given process has opened. Plugin uses netstat with sudo access. It can match process by regexp or use…

License: GPL by: Maciej Nowakowski
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

check-netscaler-activeservices A Nagios plugin to check the number of active backend services of a netscaler frontend instance. This program makes use of the Nitro API…

License: GPL by: nxadm