Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Nagios plugins for monitoring network bandwidth usage, download speed, network connections, etc.

Showing 111-120 of 160 results.

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Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Check established conenctions using netstat. Requires the Nagios::Plugin module and netstat binary. Provides performance data about established connections, listeners and connections in wait_close state. Update…

Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

1.04: Minor bugfix version. 1.03: The script has been made independent of, it can still be run through multiaddr, but will no longer require…

2.3 (3) License: Other by: Jochen Oonincx
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Designed to check whether a wireless SSID exists without the security risk of maintaining a persistent connection to a possibly unsecured network. Uses iwlist to…

License: GPL by: David Shivak
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth - Nagios(r) network traffic monitor plugin Copyright (C) 2012 Mike Pagano Based on Gerd Mueller's Contributions by: Adrian Wieczorek, Ektanoor, Markus Werner, Greg…

4.3 (11) License: GPL by: Mike Pagano
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

I had a need to check a cisco MDS switch to see if a port is up or down. I found many scripts to do…

2 (1) License: GPL by: Julian De Marchi