Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Nagios plugins for monitoring network bandwidth usage, download speed, network connections, etc.

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Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Check Bandwidth Bandwidth Calculator based on meshuggah -,-Stats-and-Bandwidth/check_bandwidth/details Based on Cisco Document ID: 8141 A simple script to calculate input or output bandwidth usage…

License: GPL by: TcoUpLoad
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Check QNAP Disk

This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU…

4.7 (16) License: GPL by: Jörg Michel
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

check_haproxy_stats check_haproxy_stats is a Nagios check for Haproxy using the statistics page Source to the original script : prerequisites This script uses theses libs…

License: Other by: Julien DESMAREST
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

The following packages must be installed on your system: - "speedtest" cli by Ookla -> - "bc"

License: GPL by: Matthieu
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Version 1.0.1: Cleaned up code to make it more neat. Added an option to set the SNMP timeout and retry values. Version 1.0.0: Converted check_iftraffic64…

License: GPL by: Robert McLoughlin
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
FreeBSD network bandwidth

This is a bash script that returns performance values for network bandwidth on FreeBSD hosts using netstat command. The plugin doesn't monitor anything. It just…

License: BSD by: Dominique Gagnon
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Watchguard Branch Office VPN Tunnels

Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -t | --tunnels: list of tunnels to check. Array of pairs of gateways. ######…

License: GPL by: Juan Granados
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Watchguard Gateway Antivirus and IPS last updated

Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: warning hours since last update. Default 24. # -c | --critical:…

License: GPL by: Juan Granados
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Watchguard Network

Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: optional. Number of connections warning. # -c | --critical: optional. Number…

License: GPL by: Juan Granados
Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Watchguard CPU

Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: % of cpu warning. Default 90. # -c | --critical: %…

License: GPL by: Juan Granados