Nagios plugins to monitor network and systems management software. Proof that Nagios rules the world. :-)
Showing 51-60 of 129 results.
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Very primitive (for now) plugin that takes three parameters (filename, warning, and critical) to check if filename's modification time is older than "warning" or "critical"…
This Nagios Plugin is made for a Puppet-controlled environment. Check that the puppetmaster is accessible to the current client. The check sends a https request…
This Nagios Plugin is made for a Puppet-controlled (or Chef) environment. It requires that The Foreman is also installed and configured See: * *…
Usage Instructions: 1- Please create an OpsGenie account if you haven't done already. 2- Add a heartbeat in OpsGenie Heartbeats page. 3- Create a OpsGenie…
check_disk_inodes is written in Bash and uses df, grep and awk - no Perl, no PHP, no SNMP. This ensures that it is able to…
check_disk_space is written in Bash and uses df, grep and awk - no Perl, no PHP, no SNMP. This ensures that it is able to…
It reports the following performance data: - used memory (as an absolute number and in percents) - total memory - free memory - shared memory…
Usage: 1.Add NRPE command to nrpe.cfg echo 'command[check_tcp_stat]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -w 300 -c 500 -l' >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg DESCRIPTION -H IP ADDRESS -p LOCAL PORT -S [TIME_WAIT|FIN_WAIT|ESTABLISHED|CLOSING|SYN_SEND|TIMED_WAIT|LISTEN] -w…
1.Add NRPE commands to nrpe.cfg echo 'command [check_mem]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -w 75 -c 85' >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg
1. Add nrpe commands to nrpe.cfg echo 'command [check_net_traffic]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -d eth0 -w 7m -c 10m' >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg Description: -d is the name of the interface(eth0;bond0)…
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