Network and Systems Management

Nagios plugins to monitor network and systems management software. Proof that Nagios rules the world. :-)

Showing 111-120 of 129 results.

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Network and Systems Management

Those of you that have a bigger NFS infrastructure may know the problem, that some shares may unmount itself or won’t be mount correctly after…

1 (2) License: GPL by: Martin Scharm
Network and Systems Management
check_memcached III

To run this plugin it's necessary to have the command "nc" installed. It was tested only with BASH. To use with other shells, you may…

4.4 (8) License: Other by: Bento Silveira
Network and Systems Management

You will find interesting this plugin only if you are already using symon/symux or you are planning to use it. Symon creates great graphs, very…

License: GPL by: krusty
Dell OpenManage

Seven separate Nagios plugins, written in perl, to monitor the status of hardware probes via Dell's Open Manage tool. Currently, there is a plugin for…

Network and Systems Management

Check if the VSS and the vsl link work. It check also if the first 6500 it the primary or no

3.9 (7) by: dwizz
Dell OpenManage – Yet another omreport nagios plugin

Usage is available via the --help option. Additional information is available within the script. The script has been tested on several hundred servers without issue.…

Nagios Service Active Check

This Plugins check the Services Actively Checked in percentual. only prereq is to set the correct path of nagiostats bin.


estair@monitor02 libexec$ ./ --help Unknown option: help UNKNOWN: HOST not defined. -H hostname/IP: of host to connect to gmetad/gmond on -P Port: to connect to…

Profiler to check plugin execution time

This is a simple perl script that parses /var/log/nagios/status.dat and prints how long execution of each service type took sorting data by time - it…

4.8 (4) License: GPL by: William Leibzon
Nagios Latency

+++ Why this plugin? Latency can be caused by a lot factors (evil plugins, misconfigured addons, ...). And high latency is very critical! With a…

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