Network and System Management Solutions

Nagios addons for integrating with other network and systems management solutions.

Showing 11-14 of 14 results.

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IBM Tivoli

Version: 20100927 Autor: Daniel Bierstedt [] This plugin checks several values from Tivoli Storage Manager At this point of time available: log, db, scratch, path,…

4 (2) License: GPL by: Daniel Bierstedt
IBM Tivoli

This is a bundle of shell-scripts that use the tsm admin client to check a couple of interesting things on tsm, using bash, awk, sed,…

HP Openview
HP OpenView HPOV Event Handler

''This HPOV Event Handler takes the output of a Nagios monitoring system and feeds it into HP OpenView. Additional requirements: these instructions assume Monarch or…

CA Unicenter
UnicenterService Desk Ticket Automation Script

Uses Nagios + NRPE_NT to pass parameters from alarms. HOWTO: Define: nrpe.cfg to use this script: command[create_ticket]=cscript //Nologo c:nrpe_ntpluginssd.vbs $ARG1$ Call from nagios server: ./check_nrpe…

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