Some user-contributed patches for Nagios Core.
Showing 11-20 of 22 results.
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This patch was done to avoid showing unimportant alerts such as CPU going high for some minutes, memory, etc... This is only interesting to have…
Hi, I'm currently using nagios3, and I would like to propose a patch to change the behaviour of the statusmap cgi. It may not interest…
To use this patch, add to your hosts definitions the variable community with the SNMP community of the host: define host{ use Template host_name XXXX…
The patch, made by Michel Loiselleur (Linagora/TM2L), increase performance of Nagios CGIs. It replaces linked list by hash table for searching services. The performance are…
# cd nagios-2.0b5 # patch -p1 -i ../patch-statusmap-nagios-2.0b5.patch # ./configure ...... # make # make install restart apache
There was a request to create this patch for Nagios v2.0 as well as for 1.2. Here it is... However, this patch will work for…
Hi, First off sorry if I have posted an attachment to an attachment-free list (if so let me know, and I will repost with the…
So it is ...
For nagios 1.2 Sometimes, in the status map, the lines can be confused with the backgroud. This is a modified source of statusmap.c that draw…
Because most of our Servers got at least two IP-Addresses, (one for the customer-service (ie. web) one for the internal-services (ie. snmp)), I faced the…
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