Nagios plugins to monitor Nagios. What? The world is imploding when Nagios monitors itself. :-)
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This is a Python script. Python3 is needed. These are the commandline parameters: -hShows this helpMandatory--sidService ID (SID). E.g. 0x8064--url The url to open. E.g.…
serviceNowIncidentNotifier allows Nagios to automatically create and update incidents within your ServiceNow ticketing system Usage: ./serviceNowIncidentNotifier -s [Val] -l [Val] -a [Val] -i [Val] -u…
check_supervisord extends nagios monitoring by interacting with the supervisord socket. It is written in BASH, meaning its agnostic across linux variants. Usage ./check_supervisord_program -c Alternate…
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./ --help Nagios Plugin to show the Nagios stats with perfdata for graphing purposes…
$ ./check_nagios_config -h Usage: check_nagios_config [options] -h : Display this help text. -c FILE : Location of nagios configuration file, nagios.cfg. (Default is: /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg) -n FILE : Location of nagios main executable file, nagios. (Default is: /usr/sbin/nagios) -x DIR : Run in a chroot environment based at DIR. -X FILE : Location of the chroot executable file. (Default is: /usr/sbin/chroot) -s : Use sudo to run the command. -p : Add performance data output for graphing. -l : Add long output excluding the lines starting with 'Processing'.…
The check_wrapper plugin has been developed to facilitate testing of the nagios system itself. The plugin can be wrapped around any other plugin and can…
Version: 20121031 ______ ATTENTION: I'm no longer using nagios, therefore I stopped maintaining this plugin. I will take care of detailed bug reports, but cannot…
This Plugins check the Services Actively Checked in percentual. only prereq is to set the correct path of nagiostats bin.
This is a simple perl script that parses /var/log/nagios/status.dat and prints how long execution of each service type took sorting data by time - it…
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