Microsoft Exchange

Nagios plugins to monitor Exchage.

Showing 11-20 of 39 results.

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Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2016 Hub Transport Queues Check (inc. performance data)

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor the mail queues on a Microsoft Exchange 2016 hub…

5 (4) License: GPL by: BastianW
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2010 Hub Transport Queues Check (inc. performance data)

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor the mail queues on a Microsoft Exchange 2010 hub…

5 (3) License: GPL by: BastianW
Microsoft Exchange
Check Exchange Databases and Queue

### Description: Plugin for nagios to check Exchange Server 2007,2010,2013,2016. can check if all Exchange Databases are mounted, and Exchange Queue. ### Auther: Yossi Bitton…

Microsoft Exchange

Mailbox can be passed as parameter or "hardcoded" inside script. It should cover situations with mailbox send/recieve quota set to 'unlimited', if you have send/recieve…

4 (1) License: GPL by: Mladen Krstanovic
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange Database mount check.

Script to check if databases are mounted, exchange 2010 & 2013. [NRPE Handlers] #check_database_mount_customer=cmd /c echo C:Scriptscheck_database_mount.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -Command - # On the check_nrpe…

License: GPL by: Robin Smit
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2013 ServerComponentState Health

Powershell Script for checking Exchange Server's ServerComponentState. ServerComponentState is an indicator for the overall health of your Exchange Server and all its components like OWA,…

4 (1) License: GPL by: simple-ASP GmbH
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2013 DAG Health Check

Powershell Script for checking DAG health. Needs NSClient++ on the Exchange DAG member server that is monitored. Please copy the script to your server and…

2.5 (2) License: GPL by: simple-ASP GmbH
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2010-2013 database size check

Check the size of your Exchange Database, and receive an alert when it grows to big. Use in NSclient++ [NRPE Handlers] Check_database_size_check=cmd /c echo C:ScriptsnagiosCheck_database_size_check.ps1…

License: GPL by: Robin Smit
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2013 Server Health

In Exchange 2013, Microsoft has in-built monitoring of most of the services and components behind the scenes, and the status of these components and services…

3.3 (6) License: GPL by: Cameron Murray
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