Nagios plugins for monitoring memory and swap usage.
Showing 31-40 of 43 results.
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A simple shell script for nagios to check free swap on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using check_by_ssh to…
check_snmp_memory is written in Bash and is distributed under the GPLv2 license. This plugin have been created by Yoann LAMY. Usage: ./check_snmp_memory -H -C…
Based on Peter Stimpels work. Unkinkd to work with ePN (use strict; -w)
I used the modified because the original command included is not ok for my server HP-UX. Thankses to Dan Larsson for original check. :-)
Usage: check_snmp_hpux_mem hostname warning critical Tests if the percentage of free memory is less or equal than the warning and critical values. Both should be…
check_winmem ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 ARG4 ARG1 HOSTNAME ARG2 COMMUNITY ARG3 warn level in percent ARG4 critical level in percent
HOW TO USE Usage: [-Vhv] [-p parameter [-w threshold] [-c threshold]] Options: -h Displays this help dialog -V Displays Version and Credits -p sets…
See for up to date information, and examples.
Description The OpenBSD Memory Plugin for Nagios checks the used/free/total memory and can optional output performance data. It's a shell script and use the command…
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