Nagios plugins for monitoring memory and swap usage.
Showing 21-30 of 43 results.
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example-images plugins pnp4nagios
>>> Use Command Line Arguments in MB [Megabytes] >>> Use script as ./ 'Warning Limit' 'Critical Limit' >>> Use script as ./ 600 500 >>>…
This plugin provides memory statistics data from NetSNMP and calculates percentage of used data based on amount of system/user memory as opposed to also including…
# Swap memory usage on a machine using free # # No machine should never ever swap anything! (following the old saw: "Memory is RAM!")…
This plugin checks CPU usage and Memory usage (total, used, free) of the most QNAP devices via SNMP. Originally made for a QNAP TS-809, i…
check_memcache based in php. Requires php-memcache . returns perfdata so you can handle it with your favourite software.
The program check the memusage of a single or multiple instance of a programm. You need the nsclient++ on the windows machine with the NRPEListener.dll.…
Nagios Plugin - Check Reserved Memory for Solaris Usage : -w warn -c critical -w : Warning at a percentage number of unfree ram…
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