Log Files

Nagios plugins to monitor log files and log file management systems.

Showing 31-37 of 37 results.

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Log Files

############# Description: ############# This plugin will scan arbitrary text files looking for down and up events. The events are searched using Perl regular expressions. When…

Log Files

WOTS is a logfile monitoring utility written in perl. It's based on swatch but different in many ways. WOTS can be configured to watch multiple…

Log Files
check_octopussy.pl – Nagios Plugin that checks Octopussy

Nagios Plugin that checks Octopussy (www.8pussy.org) Usage: check_octopussy.pl Options: -h / --help: prints usage --all: check all --process: check process (octo_dispatcher, octo_scheduler & syslog-ng) --parser:…

Log Files
Check LogServer

check_logserver is a plugin to test a logs server by sending it a unique log and then checking that log was received properly. It is…

Log Files
HP Insight Manager Log Checker

Checks if entrys in the HP Insight Manager Log. If more than one entry (Status of cleared log) it shows the LAST entry. Entrys with…

Log Files
check hp_iml

This Plug-In checks the hpasmcli EventLog for all events on this log over SNMP. The Plug-In is written in Shell-Script. Output Example: Current Status: CRITICAL…

Log Files

The plugin check_logfiles was designed to operate in mission critical environments where missing log lines after a logfile rotation could not be tolerated. When such…