Log Files

Nagios plugins to monitor log files and log file management systems.

Showing 11-20 of 37 results.

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Log Files
License: GPL by: Stamatis
Log Files
Nagios Log Server
4.8 (13) by: egalstad
Log Files
Linux/Unix Check File Growth

Check the level of byte growth of a file for a time interval. Also, check that a file is growing. Options: -f Specify filename as…

Log Files

check_pattern is used to scan the lines of a file for expressions used in python. It allow to schedule check on several time and send…

4 (1) License: GPL by: Nguyen Duc Trung Dung
Log Files

Script searches a text file for the appearance of a given RegEx within a given time period. Using additional parameters you can adjust: Time string…

1.7 (3) License: GPL by: gradecke
Log Files

Check for a pattern in a log file in the last minutes. You need to set your timezone in the script

License: GPL by: Miguel B.
Log Files

Usage: check_oom_killer [--help] [-h] Look for the 'Out of memory' string in the /var/log/kern.log file. Its presence indicates the OOM Killer was activated. For more…

License: GPL by: Loic Dachary
Log Files

This is check_log3.pl version 3.16.1 Usage: check_log3.pl [ -v | --version ] Usage: check_log3.pl [ -h | --help ] Usage: check_log3.pl --manual Usage: check_log3.pl --list-encodings…

5 (2) License: GPL by: Peter Mc Aulay
Log Files
Check Rsyslog (DB)

A plugin for checking that a remote rsyslog server which is configured to log to a MySQL database is successfully receiving and storing syslog messages.…

5 (2) License: GPL by: Bart Busschots