
Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.

Showing 311-320 of 328 results.

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Check VMWare Server 2 virtual maschines

Plugin for checking VMWare Server 2.0 for running vm's. The plugin is written for linux.

Check user implementation

== Usage: == --uid= --gid= --username= --group= [--suppgroup=""] -h,--help == Options: (needed) == --uid= UserID to match with user --gid= GroupID to match…

License: MPL by: Daniel Werdermann
Check Rsync

+++ COMING SOON ++++ Overview Tests Rsync Servers and Gentoo Portage Mirrors Flexible and conforms to Nagios Coding standards. Many options to control the test…

Check Processes and Ports

Heavily based on check_linux_procs. A script that checks if processes and TCP ports are up. Tested on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3/4, Fedora 4, Solaris 6,7,8,9…

Check process runtime

command: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -p -w -c expects parameters: p) a pattern to grep the processlist w) runtime in seconds as a threshold for warning state c)…

check physical memory

Quick and easy to implement, does not require any additional packages. Usage: check_mem [-w|--warning] [-c|--critical] example: check_mem -w 10 -c 5 Gives WARNING on 10%…

check open files

My old linux boxes sometimes hung because of a "too many open files". This plugin has been created to prevent this kind of crash.

check nfs mountpoints

Simple python-Script that parses and compares /etc/fstab and /proc/mounts and checks if all nfs-Partitions are mounted(Doesn't check for sanity or mount-options like noauto). Could be…

check network bonding

Shell script to check network bonding. Gives CRITICAL if one or more defined eth is down. Currently only supports 1 bond module. Example OK output:…

Check memory plugin in python (uses cached memory correctly)

This plugin is written in Python (no 'special' modules needed, just optparse and sys) and parses the output of /proc/meminfo. Unlike some other plugins that…

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