Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
Showing 291-300 of 328 results.
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Checks the number of files in a directory (can recurse over a directory tree)
A quick and simple bash script allowing you to use dig instead of nslookup for DNS resolution on a monitored DNS server. Good if you…
Although there are a few scripts that will give an overall view of the CUPS system and queue lengths I needed to specifically target high…
This nrpe plugin checks the amount of jobs in cups queue and displays them in a top x list. you are free to define the…
Nagios script to get the cpu usage from procinfo or sa
The pourpose of this plugin is to be the simplest check_cpu as possible. Following the unix philosophy of simplicity and code/tools reusability, it was created…
I use this in conjunction with a plugin to monitor the user count. Obsess over both and utilise the gathered info in capacity management. I…
Summary: This plugin uses chkrootkit, available from, to scan for potential intrusions. If an infection is found, it raises a critical alert. Response: If…
Remark: Sorry - some of the scripts went away. I have uploaded them again. This plugin monitors the bonding status of bonded interfaces by SNMP.…
Access Grid systems often include a multicast beacon server. This project provides a Nagios/NRPE plugin to determine whether the beacon server is running. This is…
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