Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
Showing 221-230 of 328 results.
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Check the OpenBSD pf(4) / carp(4) interface status table for interfaces not in MASTER state. Uses the PHP Net-SNMP bindings to interface with OPENBSD-CARP-MIB extensions…
This plugin checks the status (enabled/disabled) of PF, the OpenBSD packet filter, and compares the current state count to given or default thresholds, returning the…
This project provides a Nagios plugin to monitor pbs_server. Please send back any Feedback/Improvements. ++++ SYNOPSIS > {{check_pbsserver }} ++++ DESCRIPTION > This NAGIOS plugin…
This project provides a Nagios plugin to monitor the maui scheduler. It would appear that most systems running PBS/Torque are using maui as a scheduler.…
This project provides a Nagios plugin for monitoring status of pbs_mom. Please send any feedback/improvements back to me. ++++ SYNOPSIS > {{check_pbsmom ...}} ++++ DESCRIPTION…
Checks that a SAMBA server's nmbd process is running and answering name queries. This is useful on top of check_smb because nmbd can die, leaving…
Nagios plugin (script) to check the status of a NIS server on a specified host and NIS domain by asking NIS server for "passwd.byname". As…
here really isn't much to say... This script is so fscking basic that it shames me to even put it up here among all the…
# NFS health monitor plugin for Nagios # # Written by : Steve Bosek ( # Release : 1.0rc3 # Creation date : 8 May…
Create a check for stale NFS handles on Linux. Similar projects exist, but they don't appear to work (for me) when there is a stale…
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