Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
Showing 211-220 of 328 results.
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See the project page link for details on usage. Written in Perl.
Written in Perl. See the URL for usage and notes. Tested on i386 and amd64.
Usage: check_qpage -config file -queue dir -snpp string -w integer -c integer -bwarn integer -bcrit integer -debug Options: -config STRING [default: /etc/] -queue STRING -snpp…
This plugin checks how many users are logged in on a ProFTP FTP - Server. You can specify a warning and a critical limit. Checkable…
This plugin is a wrapper for the check_nt command and NC_Net client provided by ShatterIT. The NC_Net client supports an ENUMPROCESS option but the default…
This is a drop-in replacement for the official //check_procs// plugin. It uses the same arguments and gives same result however only the 'no of processes'…
check_procs_multi is a Nagios plugin similar to check_procs able to check several processes at once.
With this shell script is it possible to check a list of processes at the same time. A config file is used to specify, row…
This plugin checks if several processes are running on a remote host. It needs SSH-Access to the remote host by Public-Key. You may restrict the…
A very simply script that takes a list of processes, instead of a single processes name (as is the case with check_process). This should make…
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