Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
Showing 151-160 of 328 results.
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This patch should be applied to the check_debian_packages plugin at - Written by Tony Yarusso
A simple shell script for nagios to check currently logged in userser on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using…
A simple shell script for nagios to check free memory on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using check_by_ssh to…
A simple shell script for nagios to check the number of processes running on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks…
Automatically retrieves a list of VMs from VMWare Server * Checks if any VMs are switched off * Checks if any VMs are using more…
+++ This script was made for ESX 3.5. I imagine this will work on future and past version of ESX but I don't know.…
This script assumes that the nrpe executable is located under "/usr/sbin" and the config file (nrpe.cfg) is located under "/etc". If the files are located…
Plugin for nagios to check the status of linux swraid devices
Modified;d=1 Orriginal Author : Hari Sekhon Just run this plugin on any Unix/Linux machine with the standard Bash shell installed and it will list…
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