License Management

Nagios plugins for monitoring license management software.

Showing 11-20 of 23 results.

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License Management

This plugin checks the license usage for SSL VPN and IPSec VPN connections on Cisco devices. It returns the percentage of licenses in use.

1 (1) License: GPL by: Brent Bice
License Management
check_flexlm (quorum, expiration)
License: GPL by: William West
License Management
Check Flexlm Up

Please change in line 16 the path to lmutil I hope you will find this useful as I did, But I dont guarantee it will…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Ran Leibman
License Management
Check Flexlm Usage

Note: this is mainly for performance data.

License: GPL by: Ran Leibman
License Management

check_ocsing v0.2 (19 October, 2010) by Bjoern Becker Check licenses in ocsinventory-ng Usage: check_ocsing -H host -u user -p pass -d dbname -q Productname -t…

License Management

If you are having issues with licensing your KMS clients because you have too few connected or too many and you want to know on-the-fly…

License Management
Industry License Manager Plugins

Collection of plugins to check the status of industry major license managers. Currently supporting: LM-X License Manager (X-Formation): * check_lmx_status : check status and license…

License: GPL by: Vinz
License Management

Checks availability of rlm license server. Return OK if server is "up" and CRITICAL if server does not respond with "up" message. On CRITICAL returns…

License Management
check_p4_license : Perforce license checker

This plugin will check your Perforce server's license information and report back how many users the license is for and when it is set to…

License Management

Another flexlm check plugin. based on Joshua Parsell script. now the script return in performance Data: license in use and percent of license in use,…