Showing 1-10 of 10 results.
Sort by: Version 1.02 - Count the lines of the url we get Usage: ./ --http --url -u -p --warning --critical --verbose --mode --splitcharacter |:> --keyword…
traccar check online
# 'check_online' object config file define service{ use generic-service host_name Server1 service_description Traccar_Unit1 check_command check_online!1 } # 'check_online' command definition define command{ command_name check_online command_line…
This check greps info from a remote Nagios installation using JSON queries. It show if hosts or services are critical or in warning and not…
Nagios2JSON CPP program locates the status.dat, and then convert it to JSON/JSONP/Console. It works on Linux and BSD also. The parser is much faster than the…
Status JSON Generator to parse Nagios status.dat and present it as JSON, to allow inclusion of status info in a web page served from a separate machine.…
NagMQ exposes the internals of the Nagios Core daemon to a ZeroMQ enterprise message bus. It will publish events from the event broker over a…
status-json duplicates the output of status.cgi in JSON format. Compile status-json.c to create status-json.cgi. status-json.cgi accepts exactly the same URL parameters that status.cgi accepts, and…
Nagios2JSON you to get information about Nagios Status etc using JSON format. This project provide CGIs source code to retreive and export Nagios status data…