Nagios plugins for monitoring Java apps and application servers.
Showing 71-77 of 77 results.
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It's a little Perl script to be used as a Nagios plugin to monitor whether ActiveMQ is working properly or not. I've used Net::Stomp module…
Basic check of Apache ActiveMQ broker using perl, Net::Stomp, Nagios::Plugin. Inspired by;d=1 Usage: --host|-H [--port|-P ] [--queue|-q ] [--login|-l ] [--pass|-l ]
Plugins to obtain Weblogic?s JVM HEAP size and DEFAULT RUNTIME QUEUE length using Weblogic MBEANS.
nagios plugin to check if a WebAppComponentRuntime object on a weblogic application server is exceeding a maximum specified concurrent sessions value author: Sergei Haramundanis 08-Nov-2006…
nagios plugin to check if a weblogic jvm heap is falling below nominal thresholds (current and delta free) author: Sergei Haramundanis 03-Nov-2006 usage: check_weblogic_heapfree runtime_directory…
This small and simple perl script checks the depth of an IBM MQSeries queue and checks it agains a warning and critical number. To be…
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