Java Applications and Servers

Nagios plugins for monitoring Java apps and application servers.

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Java Applications and Servers
Check Cassandra status and heap memory utilization

Monitoring script to check Cassandra running status and heap memory utilization. The script requires Cassandra's nodetool.

License: GPL by: Oleg Bodnaruk
Apache Tomcat

check_TomcatApplication -u user -p password -h host -P port -a application Options: -u/--user) User name for authentication on Tomcat Manager Application -p/--password) Password for authentication…

3.3 (4) License: GPL by: Cleberson Borges
Java Applications and Servers
ActiveMQ Memory Monitor

Uses perl, LibXML, curl and activemq's status jsp/xml page

Java Applications and Servers

See examples in the comments in the source

Java Applications and Servers
License: GPL by: Naoya Hashimoto

# Objective: Checks the RUNNING Channels Count for IBM WebSphere MQSeries QueueManager in a host # Author: Aqeel Ahmed Khan # Note: You can…

Check JMX plus XPATH

I have developed this project because most Nagios Plugins only query 1 Attribute of mbean that puts a big load on the operating system for…

License: Other by: Edward Perry
Java Applications and Servers
Cassandra number of nodes (live) in Ring

:~# ./cassandra_ring -h Usage: ./cassandra_ring [-w ] [-c ] -H -P is Number of Live Nodes in Cassandra Cluster for Warning state Default is 3.…

License: GPL by: Juned Memon
Java Applications and Servers
Cassandra GC Collection – Time taken

# ./cass-time-taken-for-GC-CMS -h Usage: ./cass-time-taken-for-GC-CMS -w -c -f WARNING threshold.(in seconds) Default is 90 seconds. is Rate/second for Critical state Default is 120 seconds. location…

License: GPL by: Juned Memon
Java Applications and Servers
Cassandra GC Collection

# ./ -h Usage: ./ -d -f -w ] [-c is Duration within which the count needs to be monitors (in seconds ) ; Default:900…

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