Nagios plugins for monitoring IIS.
Showing 1-10 of 14 results.
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# COMMENT: Script to check for IIS Pool with Nagios/Icinga2 + NRPE/NSClient++ # # Checks: # - if there is any app which is in…
Author: Yossi Bitton Version: 1.0.5 LastModified: 22/11/2016 Check IIS 7 Sites and Application Pool status using NRPE. Monitor Option: Sites = check if all…
Please visit my blog for more information on this plugin. In case you find a bug or have feature request, please make an issue on…
Power shell script to check current connections in IIS Website version 8 or higher Can be used with nsclient++ check_iis8_app_pool_state = powershell.exe scriptscheck_iis8_app_pool_state.ps1 $ARG1$ check_default_app_pool…
Powershell script to check is application pool exists, and is started in Internet Information Services IIS version 8 o higher.
This plugin is based on "Check IIS Application Pool State" by Vincent Besancon and modified to work for IIS 7.0 on Windows 2008 (R2). Follow…
It should also graph the results. I am querying 2GB log files with great times around, 10-15 seconds. I have tested with Windows 2003, IIS…
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