Nagios plugins to monitor various types of hardware.
Showing 821-830 of 834 results.
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the plugin check with SNMP the state of each ISL and report it to Nagios . Very usefull for SAN. It is finding automatically each…
the plugin check with SNMP the state of each ISL and report it to Nagios
It will be very usefull for the SAN.
If the port channel is down it will return critical. If the speed is 2gb, then it returns ok. If the speed is 1gb, then… sends HTTP requests to the Packeteer appliance to read values out of the measurement engine. The plugin makes information available, that could only…
The WebReboot is a product for managing and monitoring equipment in a network installation. The product can be used to power-off, power-on, or reboot "frozen"…
This script check Cisco MSFC (tested on Cisco MSFC 6509 and 6513). Modules included : ### Mode 1 - Modules ### - number of slots…
Run with no parameters to get a usage message. Requires the following perl modules installed (some may already be installed): Getopt::Long; LWP::UserAgent; HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET);…
This is a script to check STATUS, CPU, RAM, MSG per Hour, incomming connections, outgoing connections, QUEUE, Work Queue, number of messages in the quarantines,…
The company ciphron had problems with very expensive phone bills and decided to monitor them using Nagios. This plugin is capable to monitor datacards (UTMS/GPRS)…
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