Graphing and trending utilities/addons for Nagios.
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Refer the below installation URL for latest updates: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Features: ------------- Easy integration with nagios notes_url. Single page view for all performance metrics.…
About Metricinga: Metricinga is a gevent-based metrics forwarder that parses performance data files from Nagios and sends the results to Graphite via the Carbon pickle…
Highcharts for Nagios * Import pnp4nagios rrd data to Highcharts. * Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering intuitive, interactive charts to…
Graphios is a program to send nagios perf data to graphite (carbon).
rrd-mdgraph draw group of graphs (by default) of all services for host and display it on HTML page. This is a small python nagios parser. It is licensed under the gpl v2. It is currently in testing and probably has bugs ^^.…
Nagiosgraph is our most important extension to the monitoring system. There are several packages available for Nagios graphing, but at the time of implementation in…
An external performance processing tool used to wrap standard scripts. Why? Nagios appears to choke severely when asked to process lots of performance data. This…
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