Alternative interfaces – GUIs and CLIs for Nagios.
Showing 61-70 of 109 results.
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CoffeeSaint is a GUI written in Java (so it should run on all operating systems (linux, windows, mac) displaying the Nagios status. On the background…
NagDash is a simple dashboard interface for the Nagios network monitoring system. It was written to provide end-users with the ability to review the current…
This gadget displays statistics summary of systems monitored by a Nagios server. Clicking on the gadget brings up a flyout that displays a list of…
With NDO this can be accomplished much neater. So I'll close it down. {{ This script takes the objects.cache file from ./ and then writes…
Requires Nagios 2.0 or higher ... uses nagiosstat command to enumerate values. For more information on lcdproc head over to lcdproc.
A google gadget for igoogle to show Nagios problems. Add button can be found here
Gives you a birdseye view of host and service states. * Criticals and warnings are shown in tiles with meaningful background colors. * Extra information…
Description : Vautour Style is a skin for Nagios Core. Original stylesheets and original icons have been modified to provide a different presentation for the…
This is the original Nagios tac.cgi hacked to be nicely displayed vertically in PDAs. All original TAC tables are re-arranged so they can be correctly…
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