
Nagios plugins to check Fortinet network gear.

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Fortinet fortigate,fortimail, fortianalyzer

Required Perl modules: - List::Compare (Ubuntu/Debian: liblist-compare-perl) - Net::SNMP (Ubuntu/Debian: libnet-snmp-perl) NAME Check Fortinet FortiGate Appliances SYNOPSIS -H -C -T [-w|-c|-S|-s|-R|-M|-V|-?] Options: -H --host…

4.7 (34) License: GPL by: Oliver Skibbe
Check Fortigate Status

For this script to work, SNMP needs to be enabled in your FortiGate config, both for the appropriate network interface and in the Config section.…

Check Fortigate Memory

This plugin checks Fortigate memory usage on FortiOS v4MR2 and higher! Usage: -H host -C community Options: -H --host STRING or IPADDRESS Check interface…

License: GPL by: Gerrit
Check Fortigate CPU load

This script checks the CPU Utilization from Fortigate Units with FortiOS v4MR2 and higher. Usage: check_fortigate_mem -H host -C community Options: -H --host STRING or…

2 (1) License: GPL by: Gerrit
Check Fortigate VPN sessions

These scripts are originally written to monitor several VPN tunnels on a Fortigate 200A. It works also for other Fortigates. It is tested on groundwork…

3.5 (4) License: GPL by: Gerrit
Check Fortigate Memory Usage

This is a modified version of the check_netscreen_memory plugin from rroettgen. It is used to check the memory usage on a Fortigate firewall. You must…

Check Fortigate CPU Usage

This is a nothing more than the check_snmp_load plugin from preconfigured to work with a Fortigate firewall. It is used to check the CPU…

Check Fortigate Active Sessions

This is a modified version of the check_netscreen_memory plugin from rroettgen. It is used to check the session usage on a Fortigate firewall. You must…

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