File System

Nagios plugins for monitoring various aspects of file systems (files, file counts, directories, mount points, etc.)

Showing 71-80 of 93 results.

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File System

The plugin is maintained on GitHub, visit here for more information.

File System
Check Veritas Volume Manager

++++ Overview of checks, return codes and prerequisites check_vxvm will perform the following checks: * Check if vxprint can be executed without errors. If vxprint…

File System
check remote files age in minutes

checks a directory on a remote system (via rsh or ssh) and returns a warning if a specified amount of files is found which is…

File System
check file growth

This script will check the growth of any file since the last run. You may specify warning and critical thresholds on the command line. Use…

File System

To check the windows server the Plugin needs an working account for the Windows Domain and a smbclient on the nagios server.

File System

Windows SNMP storage check for disk and memory Uses Net::SNMP rather than snmpget for scalability. syntax: HOST COMMUNITY storageType WARN CRIT returns % used,…

File System

This plugin will check all of the hard drives on a Windoze server, and alert if ANY of the drives on the server is more…

File System
Diskspace monitor script

Checks the disk_space on your system. I wrote this because the binaries for HP-UX are a pain to get working. This will work on all…

File System

Simple Shell Script, which touches a textfile with smbclient on an SMB-Mount, then checks if the file is readable, and deletes the file. Installation hints:…

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