Nagios plugins for monitoring various aspects of file systems (files, file counts, directories, mount points, etc.)
Showing 21-30 of 93 results.
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NAME check_dir_files SYNOPSIS check_dir_files -d /path/to/dir [-w xx -c xx] DESCRIPTION check_dir_files is a nagios plugin to monitor the number of files in a given…
check_smb_share_AA is another plugin to check access to Windows Share for a specific user. AA stands for Authorization - Authentication This plugin will check not…
This script parses fstab for volumes that should be mounted on startup or swap devices that should be enabled on startup. It then compares with…
Usage description: ------------------ Script/Nagios plugin checks all local FS's in one round run. It checks 2(4) thresholds together. Work with two (w)arning and two c(ritical)…
check if a specifoc mountpoint is mounted, optional check filesystemtype, and mountoptions USAGE: ./check_mount -m MOUNTPOINT [-t TYPE] [-o OPTIONS] Example: ./check_mount -m /backup -t…
Checks GlusterFS health on the server. Tests include: - daemons running - number of bricks online - disk space - healing status Needs some sudo…
examples: ./ -d /var/spool/escenic/newsgate/Extra/export/ -w 70 -c 100 -f OK - There are 0 files in dir /var/spool/escenic/newsgate/Extra/export/|'size'=0;70;100 usage ./ Usage: -d|--dirname [-w|--warning ]…
Lorem ipsum Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Proin eget tortor risus. Proin eget tortor risus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.